CF-104D Starfighter 104637 at Sola Airshow, Norway, 2018 4KWEBM
Built by Canadair in 1963 for the Canadian Armed Forces, this aircraft, serial number 104637, was transferred to the Norwegian Air Force 10 years later in 1973,
and 10 years after that it flew its last mission, on 1st April 1983. All Starfighters were withdrawn from use, replaced by F-16s and put aside, being scrapped,
put preserved on poles, or sent to museums. Two decades later, a plan was made to see if this bird could become airborne again.
The only airworthy Starfighter in Europe, it has been meticulously restored since 2002 by the Friends of the Starfighter Association, based at Bodø in Norway.
In 2017, after 15 years of enthusiastic dedication & hard work, 637 LN-STF had its first flight. That day, 104637 flew again for the 1st time in 33½ years,
flown by former Royal Norwegian Air Force test-pilot Eskil Amdal. The last time a Norwegian Starfighter flew was in 1983.
On 9th June 2018, 637 had its first air show display over Stavanger Airport Sola SVG, Norway. Piloted again by Eskil Amdal,
the performance was a historic & symbolic moment of this incredible achievement by the Norwegian Starfighter team.
© Knut Åshammer uploaded to YouTube
3840*21604KWEBM26.3 Mb/s50.0 fps3.33 GB9 June 2018
CF-104D Starfighter 104637 at Sola Airshow, Norway, 2018 4KMP4
© Knut Åshammer uploaded to YouTube 3840*21604KMP426.3 Mb/s50.0 fps3.33 GB9 June 2018
CF-104D Starfighter 104637 at Sola Airshow, Norway, 2018 1080pMP4
© Knut Åshammer uploaded to YouTube 1920*10801080pMP46,079 kb/s50.0 fps0.77 GB9 June 2018